Nästa nya ledare
Vi säger välkommen till Kevin Thor McDougall.
Han är vår första engelsktalande ledare i Korpen Sveg och en man som hunnit med massor.
Who are you Kevin?
Kevin Mcdougall.
I'm irish American and was educated in the U.k until I joined the US Army as a paratrooper infantry and where I became the fitness instructor for 6 years.
I attended Tennessee state University and got a degree in sports science and history. I joined the Police in Miami and attended flight school for helicopters.
I enjoy assisting people in their fitness levels as well as having fun and comradere. I teach diverse classes from hardcore to beginners with a caring flexible understanding. I also advise on diets and maintaining weight loss.
I look so forward to meeting you and help you reach your fitness and body shape goals.
Kevin kommer fokusera på lite "hårdare" träningspass. Lite bootcamp-style där man kommer kunna jobba sig redigt trött är tanken.💪
Det kan bli en härlig blandning av bodypump, kettlebells och flås!
Hans pass kommer också inom snar framtid att finnas tillgängliga att delta på!