Working out during unmanned hours
As a member of Korpen you are expected to take responsible and follow not only our regular rules but also the rules posted for working out during unmanned hours.
Rules for working out during unmanned hours
1. It is not permissible to take a friend who does not have a valid membership and membership card. Only members with cards may have access to the gym when the reception is unmanned. Friends are welcome when the reception is manned.
2. You may enter the building one person at a time. The outer-door must close after each entry.
3. Entry must take place with your membership card.
4. You must be able to show your membership card if asked to do so.
Penalty fee
These rules go without saying for the majority of us but unfortunately not for everyone. Because of this, we have been forced to introduce a penalty fee of 300 kronor for those who let others in to the gym.
You who are caught letting in others whithout a valid membership card will have your card immediately blocked. You and those whom you let in will be immediately dismissed from the gym. Your card will be unblocked again when we receive your payment.